- rubocop: Enable Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation & fix offenses by @issyl0 in #14877
- rubocop: Deal with RSpec cop TODOs by @issyl0 in #14884
- rubocops/cask: Disallow protocol in cask URL verified stanza by @issyl0 in #14886
- rubocops/cask: Clean up unnecessary requires by @issyl0 in #14891
- sorbet: Bump more files to typed: true by @issyl0 in #14893
- irb: add cask monkey patch by @apainintheneck in #14885
- Fix type error in brew --env by @dduugg in #14880
- cask: retry audit for correct signing of pkg installers by @SMillerDev in #14883
- rubocop: Trim exclude paths without offenses; move some more config by @issyl0 in #14878
- Move Array#to_sentence monkey-patch from ActiveSupport to extend/ by @dduugg in #14847
- Remove cask/cmd/zap by @hyuraku in #14864
- brew style --fix by @dduugg in #14904
- Fix "undefined local variable" error in update-report by @dduugg in #14903
- Enable typing in cmd/ by @dduugg in #14911
- sorbet: Autogenerate the RBI file for utils/tty.rb by @issyl0 in #14896
- when brew cat fails, suggest brew info --github by @g0t4 in #14902
- lock_file: better message if too many open files by @scpeters in #14879
- ci: Move from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 Actions runners by @issyl0 in #14910
- Revert splat changes to AbstractUninstall by @dduugg in #14914
- Refactor searchable by @dduugg in #14916
- Fix {MacOS,Xcode}Requirement handling and improve output by @nandahkrishna in #14870
- Remove ActiveSupport String inflections by @dduugg in #14917
- brew irb improvements by @apainintheneck in #14892
- download_strategy: handle incorrectly quoted filename* headers by @gibfahn in #14829
- bump-formula-pr: add release notes if found by @SMillerDev in #14918
- rubocop: Trim Naming/MethodParameterName allowlist by @issyl0 in #14922
- github_packages: retry skopeo copy 5 times by @dawidd6 in #14926
- Make str variable names longer by @issyl0 in #14927
- sorbet: Run brew typecheck --update --suggest-typed on schedule in CI by @issyl0 in #14921
- rubocop: Clean up Style/BlockDelimiters excludes and autofix offenses by @issyl0 in #14920
- include --cask or --formula in brew info --github suggestion by @g0t4 in #14930
- github_packages: additional retry of skopeo copy with backoff by @dawidd6 in #14932
- Move cask/cmd/upgrade to cask/upgrade by @hyuraku in #14913
- Fix DescriptionCacheStore searching by @dduugg in #14941
- Cleanup irb history file in tests by @apainintheneck in #14940
- Enable typing in a few more files by @dduugg in #14937