- dev-cmd/bump-{cask,formula}-pr: args.message is before the default by @issyl0 in #14161
- Prevent brew casks from finding formulae at tap root by @ThatsJustCheesy in #14164
- rubocop_todo: Clean up deleted paths & excludes without offenses by @issyl0 in #14162
- workflows/doctor: use ephemeral runners by @carlocab in #14172
- diagnostic: remove some checks. by @MikeMcQuaid in #14185
- bin/brew: add GITHUB_OUTPUT by @shivammathur in #14182
- Update README.md by @memark in #14186
- fix: allow running bin/brew with SHELLOPTS=nounset by @kaihowl in #14181
- workflows/doctor: skip unnecessary steps by @carlocab in #14174
- brew.sh: remove HOMEBREW_CHANGE_ARCH_TO_ARM by @carlocab in #14173
- CI: check yard & mdl output by @EricFromCanada in #14156