by shigemk2



brew 4.0.4

rubocop: Some more config cleanup by @issyl0 in #14709 Handle undeclared POSIXLY_CORRECT in Bash completions by @aphedges in #14736 utils/gzip: set mtime = 1 when mtime == 0. by @carlocab in #14723 など

brew 3.6.14

Curl: Fix following redirections when base changes by @Frederick888 in #14176 shims/super/cc: unset RUBYLIB by @Bo98 in #14189 Add cop for OS.linux? and OS.mac? usage by @apainintheneck in #14163 Dockerfile: install gpg by @Bo98 in #14192 …

brew 3.6.13

dev-cmd/bump-{cask,formula}-pr: args.message is before the default by @issyl0 in #14161 Prevent brew casks from finding formulae at tap root by @ThatsJustCheesy in #14164 rubocop_todo: Clean up deleted paths & excludes without offenses by …

brew 2021-07-23

[2021-07-23 21:51:33 +0900]: change HOMEBREW_MINIMUM_CURL_VERSION only for debian 7

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