by shigemk2


awscli 2.8.3

  • api-change:rds-data: Doc update to reflect no support for schema parameter on BatchExecuteStatement API
  • api-change:ds: This release adds support for describing and updating AWS Managed Microsoft AD set up.
  • api-change:greengrassv2: This release adds error status details for deployments and components that failed on a device and adds features to improve visibility into component installation.
  • api-change:codeguru-reviewer: Documentation update to replace broken link.
  • api-change:wisdom: This release updates the GetRecommendations API to include a trigger event list for classifying and grouping recommendations.
  • api-change:connect: This release adds support for a secondary email and a mobile number for Amazon Connect instance users.
  • api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
  • api-change:ssm: Support of AmazonLinux2022 by Patch Manager
  • api-change:ecs: Documentation update to address tickets.
  • api-change:guardduty: Add UnprocessedDataSources to CreateDetectorResponse which specifies the data sources that couldn't be enabled during the CreateDetector request. In addition, update documentations.
  • api-change:amplifyuibuilder: We are releasing the ability for fields to be configured as arrays.
  • api-change:appflow: With this update, you can choose which Salesforce API is used by Amazon AppFlow to transfer data to or from your Salesforce account. You can choose the Salesforce REST API or Bulk API 2.0. You can also choose for Amazon AppFlow to pick the API automatically.
  • api-change:mediapackage-vod: This release adds SPEKE v2 support for MediaPackage VOD. Speke v2 is an upgrade to the existing SPEKE API to support multiple encryption keys, based on an encryption contract selected by the customer.
  • api-change:quicksight: Amazon QuickSight now supports SecretsManager Secret ARN in place of CredentialPair for DataSource creation and update. This release also has some minor documentation updates and removes CountryCode as a required parameter in GeoSpatialColumnGroup
  • api-change:iotfleetwise: Documentation update for AWS IoT FleetWise
  • api-change:ssm-incidents: Update RelatedItem enum to support Tasks
  • api-change:translate: This release enables customers to specify multiple target languages in asynchronous batch translation requests.
  • api-change:panorama: Pause and resume camera stream processing with SignalApplicationInstanceNodeInstances. Reboot an appliance with CreateJobForDevices. More application state information in DescribeApplicationInstance response.
  • api-change:medialive: AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports forwarding SCTE-35 messages through the Event Signaling and Management (ESAM) API, and can read those SCTE-35 messages from an inactive source.
  • api-change:transfer: This release adds an option for customers to configure workflows that are triggered when files are only partially received from a client due to premature session disconnect.
  • api-change:iam: Documentation updates for the AWS Identity and Access Management API Reference.