by shigemk2



delta gitconfig

gitconfig [core] pager = delta [interactive] diffFilter = delta --color-only [delta] navigate = true # use n and N to move between diff sections light = false # set to true if you're in a terminal w/ a light background color (e.g. the defa…

brew 4.2.0

機能強化 標準エラー非表示のコマンド追加 Ruby 3.1の要求 Homebrew 4.2.0用のコードの非推奨化、無効化、削除 fish補完の改善 Ruby 2.6 gemの削除 pip searchの推奨除去 Hash#exceptを使用、ActiveSupport削除 VENDOR_VERSIONの更新 ピンされたformula mess…