by shigemk2



FluentBit Modify plugin

Conditionは複数設定できて、case-sensitiveで、全部trueじゃないとダメらしい。 [FILTER] Name modify Match mem.* Condition Key_Does_Not_Exist cpustats Condition Key_Exists Mem.used Set cpustats UNKNOWN

Fluent Bit Plugin for CloudWatch Logs


$(tag) references the full tag name, $(tag[0]) and $(tag[1]) are the first and second values of log tag split on periods. You may access any member by index, 0 through 9. $(uuid) will insert a random string in the names. The random string …

PHP 2021-12-16


[2021-12-16 23:37:01 +0900]: Don't call zend_attach/detach_symbol_table() for op_arrays without local variables [2021-12-16 18:32:09 +0900]: Fixed build in separate directory [2021-12-16 04:00:24 +0900]: Implement php_handle_avif() using l…

go 2021-12-16


[2021-12-16 06:04:54 +0900]: cmd/compile: upgrade ssa to do (int or float) -> complex [2021-12-16 04:42:58 +0900]: cmd/compile/internal/types2: record types for union subexpressions [2021-12-16 04:24:56 +0900]: cmd/compile/internal/types2:…

Emacs 2021-12-16

[2021-12-16 18:13:03 +0900]: Improve documentation of multisession variables [2021-12-16 16:05:37 +0900]: Update files times in multisesssion properly [2021-12-16 16:00:01 +0900]: Make the multisession files value read more resilient [2021…

brew 2021-12-16

[2021-12-16 10:24:03 +0900]: Formatting consistency. [2021-12-16 03:13:35 +0900]: Update RBI files for simplecov-cobertura. [2021-12-16 03:12:40 +0900]: Update RBI files for minitest. [2021-12-16 03:10:45 +0900]: Update RBI files for activ…