by shigemk2



fish-shell 2021-05-25

[2021-05-25 03:19:01 +0900]: env: remove trailing null-terminator from default path

php 2021-05-25


[2021-05-25 22:30:54 +0900]: Use arm64-graviton2 on Travis (#7016) [2021-05-25 22:25:51 +0900]: Remove commented code from get_method handler [2021-05-25 18:42:06 +0900]: Add error reporting to mysqli_options (#7036) [2021-05-25 03:46:42 +…

brew 2021-05-25

[2021-05-25 18:46:18 +0900]: service: simplify Environment= creation [2021-05-22 17:59:28 +0900]: service: ensure environment variables are prefixed in command

awscli 2.2.6


api-change:eks: Update the EKS AddonActive waiter. api-change:quicksight: Add new parameters on RegisterUser and UpdateUser APIs to assign or update external ID associated to QuickSight users federated through web identity. api-change:comp…

Emacs 2021-05-25

[2021-05-25 21:03:03 +0900]: Allow years in a copyright range to be separated by en dashes. [2021-05-25 20:45:32 +0900]: * lisp/transient.el: Update to package version 0.3.4. [2021-05-25 17:39:48 +0900]: Further improvements to completion-…