by shigemk2



DNSの「テキスト」(TXT)レコードは、ドメインの管理者が、Domain Name System(DNS)にテキストを登録するためのものです。TXTレコードは元々、人間が読めるメモのための場所として作られました。しかし現在では、機械で処理するためのデータをTXTレコードに登録することも可能です。1つのドメインが複数のTXTレコードを持つことができます。


AWS::Route53::RecordSet AliasTarget

  • CloudFrontのHostedZoneIdは Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 固定じゃないとだめ
  • ALBはそれぞれHostedZoneIdがあるのと、DNSNameはdualstackから始めないといけない
    • CloudFormationでスタックを更新するときにdualstackから始らないDNS名を設定すると、更新できずに十数分「更新中」のまま更新がフリーズする

Deleting a task definition revision using the console

タスク定義のリビジョンを削除できるようになっていた 今まではactiveかinactiveしかなかったけれど

If you decide that you no longer need a specific task definition revision in Amazon ECS, you can deelete the task definition revision so that it no longer displays in your ListTaskDefinitions API calls or in the console when you want to run a task or update a service. When you delete a task definition revision, it immediately transitions from the INACTIVE to DELETE_IN_PROGRESS. Existing tasks and services that reference a DELETE_IN_PROGRESS task definition revision continue to run without disruption. You can't use a DELETE_IN_PROGRESS task definition revision to run new tasks or create new services. You also can't update an existing service to reference a DELETE_IN_PROGRESS task definition revision.

phpstan 1.10.3


  • Add support for @not-deprecated annotation (#2255), #7422, thanks @stof!


  • Fix arithmetic operations with BenevolentUnionType (phpstan/phpstan-src@f882eff), #8938
  • Fix native return type of array_chunk() (phpstan/phpstan-src@e4a6d20), #8956
  • Support for property fetch in initializers (phpstan/phpstan-src@53c643d), #8957
  • ObjectType - fix enum property with subtracted type (phpstan/phpstan-src@eb00fd2), #8828, #8486

awscli 2.10.3

  • api-change:opensearch: This release lets customers configure Off-peak window and software update related properties for a new/existing domain. It enhances the capabilities of StartServiceSoftwareUpdate API; adds 2 new APIs - ListScheduledActions & UpdateScheduledAction; and allows Auto-tune to make use of Off-peak window.
  • api-change:iotwireless: In this release, we add additional capabilities for the FUOTA which allows user to configure the fragment size, the sending interval and the redundancy ratio of the FUOTA tasks
  • api-change:macie2: This release adds support for a new finding type, Policy:IAMUser/S3BucketSharedWithCloudFront, and S3 bucket metadata that indicates if a bucket is shared with an Amazon CloudFront OAI or OAC.
  • api-change:appflow: This release enables the customers to choose whether to use Private Link for Metadata and Authorization call when using a private Salesforce connections
  • api-change:location: This release adds support for using Maps APIs with an API Key in addition to AWS Cognito. This includes support for adding, listing, updating and deleting API Keys.
  • api-change:ecs: This release supports deleting Amazon ECS task definitions that are in the INACTIVE state.
  • api-change:rum: CloudWatch RUM now supports CloudWatch Custom Metrics
  • api-change:chime-sdk-voice: This release introduces support for Voice Connector media metrics in the Amazon Chime SDK Voice namespace
  • api-change:wafv2: You can now associate an AWS WAF v2 web ACL with an AWS App Runner service.
  • api-change:ssm: Document only update for Feb 2023
  • api-change:guardduty: Updated API and data types descriptions for CreateFilter, UpdateFilter, and TriggerDetails.
  • api-change:datasync: AWS DataSync has relaxed the minimum length constraint of AccessKey for Object Storage locations to 1.
  • api-change:cloudfront: CloudFront now supports block lists in origin request policies so that you can forward all headers, cookies, or query string from viewer requests to the origin except for those specified in the block list.
  • api-change:grafana: Doc-only update. Updated information on attached role policies for customer provided roles