by shigemk2


bus factor


プロジェクトの中で何人突然いなくなったらチームが破綻するかというところ。「突然」「いなくなる」というのが重要。ので、bus factorが高いほど良いチームであると言われる。XPの文脈から始まった言葉だと思われる。

bus factorを高くするためには

  • 複雑さを減らすこと
  • すべてをドキュメント化して、常にドキュメントをアップデートすること
  • クロストレーニングを行うこと



Bus factor - Wikipedia

homebrew v1.0.8


Release 1.0.8 · Homebrew/brew · GitHub


  • Better support the system Git on old OS X versions
  • Use BSD tar's libarchive LZMA support if available rather than needing to install xz
  • Add brew tap-new command for creating a new tap with a README and Travis CI configuration
  • brew doctor now warns about SSL_CERT_FILE which can break curl on HTTPS connections
  • Warn when people have a Cellar at /usr/local/Homebrew/Cellar as it stops them getting binary packages
  • Speed up bottle/binary package creation and extracting
  • Ensure brew postinstall provides access to the Homebrew repository when appropriate
  • Allow brew --prefix to be run as root without a warning


Props is a configuration object using in creating an Actor; it is immutable, so it is thread-safe and fully shareable.

val props = Props.empty
val props = Props[MyActor]
val props = Props(classOf[MyActor], arg1, arg2)

val otherProps = props.withDispatcher("dispatcher-id")
val otherProps = props.withDeploy(<deployment info>)



public static Props apply(java.lang.Class<?> clazz,
                          scala.collection.Seq<java.lang.Object> args)
Scala API: create a Props given a class and its constructor arguments.

reactive messaging patterns english

English Japanese
uptake 取り込み
unobtrusive 控えめな
facilities 設備
snail カタツムリ
stay away from 近寄らない
exponentially 急激に
unchecked 妨げられない
semiconductor 半導体
alluding 仄めかす
acceptance 承認 賛同
discrete 分離している
versatility 移り気
appropriate ふさわしい
synthetic 合成の
caveats 注意事項
detect 検出

Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka

Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka