HTTP Client - Skinny Framework
GET PUT DELETE POSTすべての命令に対応したクライアント。
wgetとかcurl的なことがskinny framework上で出来る。なお、case class を直接定義する必要なくって、headerとかasBytesとかはナチュラルに使える。
import skinny.http._ // GET val response: Response = HTTP.get("") case class Response( status: Int, headers: Map[String, String], headerFields: Map[String, Seq[String]], rawCookies: Map[String, String], charset: Option[String], body: Array[Byte]) { def header(name: String): Option[String] def headerField(name: String): Seq[String] def asBytes: Array[Byte] def textBody: String def asString: String } // GET with QueryParams val response = HTTP.get("", "foo" -> "bar") val response = HTTP.get(Request("").queryParams("foo" -> "bar")) val response = HTTP.get(Request("").queryParam("foo" -> "bar").queryParam("bar" -> "baz")) // GET with charset val response = HTTP.get("", "UTF-8") // Async GET val response: scala.concurrent.Future[Response] = HTTP.asyncGet("") val response = HTTP.asyncGet("", "foo" -> "bar") val response = HTTP.asyncGet(Request("").queryParams("foo" -> "bar")) val response = HTTP.asyncGet("", "UTF-8") // POST val response ="", "foo=bar") val response ="", "foo" -> "bar") val response = HTTP.postMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", TextInput("bar"))) val file = new"http-client/src/test/resources/sample.txt") val response = HTTP.postMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", FileInput(file, "text/plain"))) val response = HTTP.asyncPost("", "foo=bar") val response = HTTP.asyncPost("", "foo" -> "bar") val response = HTTP.asyncPostMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", TextInput("bar"))) // PUT val response = HTTP.put("", "foo=bar") val response = HTTP.put("", "foo" -> "bar") val response = HTTP.asyncPut("", "foo=bar") val response = HTTP.asyncPut("", "foo" -> "bar") // DELETE val response = HTTP.delete("") val response = HTTP.asyncDelete("") // TRACE val response = HTTP.trace("") val response = HTTP.asyncTrace("") // OPTIONS val response = HTTP.options("") val response = HTTP.asyncOptions("")