by shigemk2



PHP 2021-06-30

[2021-06-30 23:48:31 +0900]: Fix new test for PHP 8 [2021-06-30 22:45:42 +0900]: Move INHERITANCE_WARNING handling one layer up [2021-06-30 20:46:43 +0900]: Fix #73630: Built-in Weberver - overwrite $_SERVER['request_uri']

Emacs 2021-06-30

[2021-06-30 22:55:50 +0900]: Add new user option to transform kill ring contents [2021-06-30 22:31:26 +0900]: Make the minor mode doc strings say that they're minor modes [2021-06-30 22:11:21 +0900]: From .desktop files, reuse a frame or s…

brew 2021-06-30

[2021-06-30 10:00:16 +0900]: Add comment to Gemfile about disallowed gems [2021-06-30 20:51:34 +0900]: build(deps): bump activesupport from to 6.0.4 in /docs [2021-06-30 20:51:29 +0900]: build(deps-dev): bump html-proofer from 3.19…

brew 2021-06-29

[2021-06-29 19:57:27 +0900]: Acceptable-Formulae: quote from Veracode report [2021-06-29 20:43:47 +0900]: Tweak BuildPulse/rspec-retry logic [2021-06-29 04:49:40 +0900]: Sparkle: Use OS::Mac::Version#prerelease? [2021-06-29 04:48:35 +0900]…

PHP 2021-06-29

[2021-06-29 23:49:50 +0900]: Disable lsan on new PDO firebird tests [2021-06-29 21:14:53 +0900]: 7.3.30 is next [2021-06-29 17:04:10 +0900]: Fixed some spaces used instead of tabs [2021-06-29 17:28:01 +0900]: [ci skip] Fix NEWS format [202…

Emacs 2021-06-29

[2021-06-29 16:21:22 +0900]: In read_minibuf_unwind don't try to select dead window (Bug#49248)

fish-shell 2021-06-29

[2021-06-29 08:06:04 +0900]: Fix incorrect comparison of function pointers [2021-06-29 00:56:02 +0900]: CMake: bump minimum requirement to 3.5 [2021-06-29 00:40:39 +0900]: CHANGELOG: add scaffolding for 3.4.0