by shigemk2



CakePHP2 to 3 csrf token $token = $this->Security->Session->read('_Token'); $token = $this->request->getParam('_csrfToken');

fish-shell 2021-06-23

[2021-06-23 04:37:45 +0900]: Catch invalid function names in highlighting and autosuggestion

Emacs 2021-06-23

[2021-06-23 23:28:32 +0900]: Make ethio-* variables into user options [2021-06-23 23:10:25 +0900]: Revert "Sort the items in 'mode-line-mode-menu' before displaying the menu" [2021-06-23 22:02:52 +0900]: Sort the items in 'mode-line-mode-m…

brew 2021-06-23

[2021-06-23 22:01:29 +0900]: Upload results to BuildPulse for non-PR pushes [2021-06-23 18:38:12 +0900]: workflows/tests: use buildpulse-test-reporter formula. [2021-06-23 00:36:03 +0900]: cmd/install: do not print similar error messages

PHP 2021-06-23


[2021-06-23 20:55:58 +0900]: Move the whole "cold" path into the "cold" function. [2021-06-23 18:18:03 +0900]: JIT/AArch64: Support shifted immediate (#7165) [2021-06-23 01:42:43 +0900]: make new API public (#7185) [2021-06-23 00:28:57 +09…

Jenkins 2.299

Release 2.299 · jenkinsci/jenkins · GitHub Implement InterceptingExecutorService without Guava ここかな