$ sbt console scala> import spray.json._ import spray.json._ scala> import DefaultJsonProtocol._ // if you don't supply your own Protocol (see below) import DefaultJsonProtocol._ scala> // Parse a JSON string into its Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation scala> val source = """{ "some": "JSON source" }""" source: String = { "some": "JSON source" } scala> val jsonAst = source.parseJson // or JsonParser(source) jsonAst: spray.json.JsValue = {"some":"JSON source"} scala> // Convert any Scala object to a JSON AST using the pimped toJson method scala> val jsonAst = List(1, 2, 3).toJson jsonAst: spray.json.JsValue = [1,2,3] scala> // case class scala> case class Color(name: String, red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) defined class Color scala> object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol { | implicit val colorFormat = jsonFormat4(Color) | } defined object MyJsonProtocol scala> import MyJsonProtocol._ import MyJsonProtocol._ scala> import spray.json._ import spray.json._ scala> val json = Color("CadetBlue", 95, 158, 160).toJson json: spray.json.JsValue = {"name":"CadetBlue","red":95,"green":158,"blue":160} scala> val color = json.convertTo[Color] color: Color = Color(CadetBlue,95,158,160)