引き算により小文字から大文字へ変換。 メモリの中身を引き算を使うことで変更する。
let aout = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes "write-7.out" let read16 (a:byte[]) b = (int a.[b]) ||| ((int a.[b+1]) <<< 8) let tsize = read16 aout 2 let dsize = read16 aout 4 let mem = aout.[16 .. 16 + tsize + dsize - 1] let mutable pc = 0 let show len dis = let words = [ for i in pc .. 2 .. pc + len - 1 -> sprintf "%04x" (read16 mem i) ] printfn "%04x: %-14s %s" pc (String.concat " " words) dis pc <- pc + len while pc < tsize do match read16 mem pc with | 0x1009 -> show 2 "mov r0, (r1)" | 0x10b1 -> show 4 (sprintf "mov r2, %x(r1)" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x15c0 -> show 4 (sprintf "mov $%x, r0" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x15c1 -> show 4 (sprintf "mov $%x, r1" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x15c2 -> show 4 (sprintf "mov $%x, r2" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x15c9 -> show 4 (sprintf "mov $%x, (r1)" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x95f1 -> show 6 (sprintf "movb $%x, %x(r1)" (read16 mem (pc + 2)) (read16 mem (pc + 4))) | 0x95c9 -> show 4 (sprintf "movb $%x, (r1)" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x9009 -> show 2 "mov r0, (r1)" | 0x9031 -> show 4 (sprintf "movb r0, %x(r1)" (read16 mem (pc + 2))) | 0x00c0 -> show 2 "swab r0" | 0x8901 -> show 2 "sys 1 ; exit" | 0x8904 -> show 2 "sys 4 ; write" show 2 "; arg" show 2 "; arg" | 0x15f7 -> show 6 (sprintf "mov $%x, %04x" (read16 mem (pc + 2)) (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4))) | 0x95f7 -> show 6 (sprintf "movb $%x, %04x" (read16 mem (pc + 2)) (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4))) | 0xe5f7 -> show 6 (sprintf "sub $%x, %04x" (read16 mem (pc + 2)) (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4))) | _ -> show 2 "???"
let aout = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes "write-7.out" let read16 (a:byte[]) b = (int a.[b]) ||| ((int a.[b+1]) <<< 8) let write16 (a:byte[]) b c = a.[b] <- byte c a.[b + 1] <- byte (c >>> 8) let tsize = read16 aout 2 let dsize = read16 aout 4 let mem = aout.[16 .. 16 + tsize + dsize - 1] let mutable r0, r1, r2, pc = 0, 0, 0, 0 while pc < tsize do match read16 mem pc with | 0x1009 -> write16 mem r1 r0 pc <- pc + 2 | 0x10b1 -> write16 mem (r1 + read16 mem (pc + 2)) r2 pc <- pc + 4 | 0x15b1 -> r0 <- read16 mem (pc + 2) pc <- pc + 4 // mov | 0x15c0 -> r0 <- read16 mem (pc + 2) pc <- pc + 4 // mov | 0x15c1 -> r1 <- read16 mem (pc + 2) pc <- pc + 4 | 0x15c2 -> r2 <- read16 mem (pc + 2) pc <- pc + 4 // mov | 0x15c9 -> write16 mem r1 (read16 mem (pc + 2)) pc <- pc + 4 | 0x15f1 -> write16 mem (r1 + read16 mem (pc + 4)) (read16 mem (pc + 2)) pc <- pc + 6 | 0x95c9 -> mem.[r1] <- mem.[pc + 2] pc <- pc + 4 | 0x95f1 -> mem.[r1 + read16 mem (pc + 4)] <- mem.[pc + 2] pc <- pc + 6 // sys 1 ; exit | 0x8901 -> exit r0 // sys 4 ; write | 0x8904 -> let arg1 = read16 mem (pc + 2) let arg2 = read16 mem (pc + 4) let bytes = mem.[arg1 .. arg1 + arg2 - 1] printf "%s" (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString bytes) pc <- pc + 6 | 0x00c0 -> r0 <- ((r0 &&& 0xff) <<< 8) ||| ((r0 &&& 0xff00) >>> 8) pc <- pc + 2 | 0x9009 -> mem.[r1] <- byte r0 pc <- pc + 2 | 0x9031 -> mem.[r1 + read16 mem (pc + 2)] <- byte r0 pc <- pc + 4 | 0x15f7 -> write16 mem (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4)) (read16 mem (pc + 2)) pc <- pc + 6 | 0x95f7 -> mem.[r1 + pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4)] <- mem.[pc + 2] pc <- pc + 6 | 0xe5f7 -> let addr = pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4) write16 mem addr ((read16 mem addr) - (read16 mem (pc + 2))) pc <- pc + 6 | w -> printfn "%04x: %04x ???" pc w exit 1
| 0xe5f7 -> write16 mem (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4)) ((read16 mem (pc + 6 + read16 mem (pc + 4))) - (read16 mem (pc + 2))) pc <- pc + 6