by shigemk2



fish-shell 2021-06-14

[2021-06-14 09:19:52 +0900]: Minor improvements to file_id_t

Emacs 2021-06-14

[2021-06-14 22:58:01 +0900]: Remove unused variable from sgml-mode test [2021-06-14 22:32:03 +0900]: Get fractional seconds in iso8601 parsing right [2021-06-14 21:37:14 +0900]: * Do not produce .elc temporary file when unnecessary (bug#48…

PHP 2021-06-14


[2021-06-14 22:47:08 +0900]: Clean up some more function_exists() checks [2021-06-14 22:40:34 +0900]: Make some zend_test dependencies explicit [2021-06-14 22:35:48 +0900]: Remove unnecessary skipifs in date [2021-06-14 22:30:25 +0900]: Re…

CakePHP 2 to 3 Model::query

こんなピュアなSQL文を叩くことあるのかなって思うけど、DB接続してクエリ叩くだけならありうるかも。 2.x $this->Picture->query("SELECT * FROM pictures LIMIT 2;"); 3.x use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager; $connection = ConnectionManager::get('…