1. what is devops
If you're going to do operations reliably, you need to make it reproducible and programmatic.
The nature of "operations"
cloud changes
Growing distributed systems Software development practice "cooperation and collaboration" between dev and oos
Gap between Development and Operations
- Goals
- Process and approach
- Tools
Infrastructure engineering becomes like a development
- Infrastructure as a code
- Adption of Vagrant
2. introduction to vagrant
development environment on VM, container or cloud(just one command) same
- among team members.
- among production and development. VirtualBox, AWS EC2
"Mature, stable, proven" by author, Mr.Mitchell Hashimoto
1st target is web engineers.(Web application developers) Programmers, PHPers, Rubyist...like that.
- Infrastructure engineer programmer
- Deploy on VMwarevCenter,Openstack
- Test Puppet, Chef or Ansible
- provision script
Vagrant work flow
Just run
$ vagrant up
It download "vagrant box" and start provision script
What is Vagrant Box
- Preconfigured VM images
- Base for environment
- Community shared
- VagrantCloud.com: shares boxes
Launched at 2010 2013, March, Version 1.1+ Plugins: 3rd party projects Vagrant-KVM plugin start
Vagrant provisioner
Shell, Puppet, Ansible, Docker and Chef
Vagrant Plugins
Supported plugins from 1.1+(2013.2-)
Provider: Driver for VM monitor
Many provider plugins(LXC, AWS, Docker, IIJ and so on......)
知って見るみるKVM(1):Linux標準の仮想化技術「KVM」の仕組み (1/2) - @IT
3. vagrant-kvm
Current Status of Vagrant-KVM
V0.1.8 March, 2014
- Basic Vagrant features(private nw, NFS, provisioning, GUI, customize)
- Plan9 host file share
- QEMU 1.1 - 1.7
V0.2.0 will come May, 2014
- Multiple guests and networks
- Bridged network
- Address conflict resolver
V0.2.0 will come May, 2014
Vagrant-KVM vs libvirt
- kvm plugin: simple, single host
- libvirt plugin: multi-host, multi-vmm
Quality and Test
- Rspec to test the plugins
Test vagrant-kvm in guest OS on KVM prepared by vagrant-kvm
CI: Github/Travis-CI combination
- Github.com: development platform
- Travis-CI: test automation platform
- RVM: Ruby Virtual Machines p
OSS and CI
Every commit/patch and PRs are tested with TravisCI and Rspec
Issues Fixed
There are many issues to be fixed in related projects.
4. Vagrant-kvm Furure plan
- Support full features of Vagrant
- Multiple architecture (ARM)
- Linux kernel debug support
Change the way:Infrastructure
5. New trend on DevOps
Packaging for deploy
Application container help agile deployment
- Create virtual machine image for several kind of cloud virtulization infrastructures
- Use JSON as profile desciption language.
- Portable container for Application
Containers vs. VMs
Vagrant and Docker
- Prepare Docker envirnment on Vagrant
- Auto detect guest OS and install proper packages
- Start Docker environment only one line command
Stack of DevOps infrastructure
- Vagrant enables control over infrastructure tool sets
Work flow example
Creation of Guest Images
Future of Varant/vagrant-kvm
- Enbedded development with ARM support
- Various cloud and private platform support