mysql> select * from Country where Code in (select CountryCode from CountryLanguage where Language = 'English' and IsOfficial = 'T') order by GNP desc limit 5; +------+----------------+---------------+---------------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+----------------+------------+------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------+-------+ | Code | Name | Continent | Region | SurfaceArea | IndepYear | Population | LifeExpectancy | GNP | GNPOld | LocalName | GovernmentForm | HeadOfState | Capital | Code2 | +------+----------------+---------------+---------------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+----------------+------------+------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------+-------+ | USA | United States | North America | North America | 9363520.00 | 1776 | 278357000 | 77.1 | 8510700.00 | 8110900.00 | United States | Federal Republic | George W. Bush | 3813 | US | | GBR | United Kingdom | Europe | British Islands | 242900.00 | 1066 | 59623400 | 77.7 | 1378330.00 | 1296830.00 | United Kingdom | Constitutional Monarchy | Elisabeth II | 456 | GB | | CAN | Canada | North America | North America | 9970610.00 | 1867 | 31147000 | 79.4 | 598862.00 | 625626.00 | Canada | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II | 1822 | CA | | AUS | Australia | Oceania | Australia and New Zealand | 7741220.00 | 1901 | 18886000 | 79.8 | 351182.00 | 392911.00 | Australia | Constitutional Monarchy, Federation | Elisabeth II | 135 | AU | | HKG | Hong Kong | Asia | Eastern Asia | 1075.00 | NULL | 6782000 | 79.5 | 166448.00 | 173610.00 | Xianggang/Hong Kong | Special Administrative Region of China | Jiang Zemin | 937 | HK | +------+----------------+---------------+---------------------------+-------------+-----------+------------+----------------+------------+------------+---------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------+---------+-------+
サブクエリを使った検索条件の設定 - データの取得 - MySQLの使い方
別テーブルから引っぱってきたデータを基にしてデータをとる。 公用語が英語の国のうち、GNPの金額が高い国のデータをとる。
IsOfficialをつけないと、なぜか(というかやはりというか)日本が出てくるんDA 国民のなかに英語をしゃべるひとがいるかららしい。