by shigemk2




man -k utmp
dump-utmp            (8)  - print a utmp file in human-readable format
endutent [getutent]  (3)  - access utmp file entries
getutent             (3)  - access utmp file entries
getutid [getutent]   (3)  - access utmp file entries
getutline [getutent] (3)  - access utmp file entries
getutmp              (3)  - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
getutmpx [getutmp]   (3)  - copy utmp structure to utmpx, and vice versa
login                (3)  - write utmp and wtmp entries
logout [login]       (3)  - write utmp and wtmp entries
pututline [getutent] (3)  - access utmp file entries
sessreg              (1)  - manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients
setutent [getutent]  (3)  - access utmp file entries
utmp                 (5)  - login records
utmpname [getutent]  (3)  - access utmp file entries
utmpx.h [utmpx]      (0p)  - user accounting database definitions
wtmp [utmp]          (5)  - login records