by shigemk2



PHP 2021-09-23


[2021-09-23 23:42:24 +0900]: Try to fetch path relative to binary [2021-09-23 21:29:27 +0900]: Fixed bug #81465 [2021-09-23 21:04:05 +0900]: JIT: Fixed register clobbering [2021-09-23 20:11:21 +0900]: Further limit max input siz…

fish-shell 2021-09-23

[2021-09-23 22:29:21 +0900]: Remove guessed_emoji_width [2021-09-23 22:22:23 +0900]: completions/git: Treat T files same as modified [2021-09-23 19:57:44 +0900]: Handle backspaces for visible width [2021-09-23 17:59:44 +0900]: Hide whatis …

Emacs 2021-09-23

[2021-09-23 23:04:35 +0900]: * test/infra/Dockerfile.emba: Do not run 'make -j4 bootstrap'. [2021-09-23 22:22:31 +0900]: ; * etc/NEWS: Fix typos and punctuation in recently added entries. [2021-09-23 21:29:28 +0900]: Fix Tramp's make-proce…

docker-ce 2021-09-23

[2021-09-23 00:55:45 +0900]: docs: fix description of restart-delay to mention max (1 minute)

brew 2021-09-23

[2021-09-23 22:24:16 +0900]: os/mac/xquartz: fix handling of XQuartz 2.8.0+ [2021-09-23 09:10:14 +0900]: brew style --fix [2021-09-23 03:36:53 +0900]: formula_installer: fix installation of local bottles [2021-09-23 03:14:41 +0900]: Update…