by shigemk2



PHP 2021-09-03


[2021-09-03 21:42:36 +0900]: Fix inconsistency in true/false/null constant resolution when opcache is not used (#7441) [2021-09-03 21:06:06 +0900]: Fix some more CLEANUP sections [2021-09-03 20:59:02 +0900]: Fix file clash in gd tests [202…

fish-shell 2021-09-03

[2021-09-03 00:27:10 +0900]: Stop tests from creating a share/functions/functions link

Emacs 2021-09-03

[2021-09-03 21:26:51 +0900]: Change Python eval to send directly instead of using temporary files [2021-09-03 20:48:44 +0900]: Fix `describe-function' for autoloaded adviced functions [2021-09-03 19:21:49 +0900]: Update to CSS Flexible Box…

brew 2021-09-03

[2021-09-03 03:10:46 +0900]: Update RBI files for mime-types-data. [2021-09-03 03:08:07 +0900]: brew vendor-gems: commit updates. [2021-09-03 03:06:49 +0900]: brew vendor-gems: commit updates. [2021-09-03 03:03:44 +0900]: build(deps-dev): …