by shigemk2



brew 2021-07-15

[2021-07-16 21:13:12 +0900]: installed_dependents: tweak comment. [2021-07-16 21:02:38 +0900]: reject build and test dependency [2021-07-16 14:56:27 +0900]: triage-issues.yml: update to match main configuration


(Mas OSX限定) git log --oneline --pretty=format:"- [%ad]: %s" --date-order --no-merges --date=iso-local --after='`date "+%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00" --date=yesterday`' --before='`date "+%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00"`' | pbcopy

Emacs 2021-07-15

[2021-07-16 22:26:21 +0900]: ; Fix wording of recent changes in documentation [2021-07-16 21:51:03 +0900]: Clarify emacsclient Options node in the Emacs manual [2021-07-16 21:30:24 +0900]: Add new user option 'query-about-changed-file' [20…

PHP 2021-07-16


[2021-07-16 23:39:27 +0900]: Don't return bool from Phar::offsetUnset() [2021-07-16 23:33:47 +0900]: Actually add the tentative type marker... [2021-07-16 23:32:12 +0900]: Add minimial tentative types to dom [2021-07-16 23:27:53 +0900]: DO…

fish-shell 2021-07-16

[2021-07-16 05:15:24 +0900]: Simplify ASSERT_SORT_ORDER [2021-07-16 04:13:53 +0900]: const_strlen to be aware of interior nul chars [2021-07-16 03:21:32 +0900]: Clean up of get_function_name [2021-07-16 03:04:06 +0900]: Remove the index pa…