by shigemk2


homebrew 1.2.2

Release 1.2.2 · Homebrew/brew · GitHub

brew release-notes includes PR author names. (@MikeMcQuaid)
brew installing a missing formula warns on searching for deleted formulae in shallow clones (@MikeMcQuaid)
brew search includes Caskroom results when tapped (@MikeMcQuaid)
Use stty instead of tput to more reliably get terminal width (@choco)
brew edit works again regardless of spaces in paths (@orangea)
language/node works with npm 5.0 (@DomT4)
brew install improved messaging on e.g. upgrade needed (@MikeMcQuaid)
Fix relocation of Python virtualenv-using formulae (@tdsmith)
brew doctor never considers build dependencies as missing (@MikeMcQuaid)
brew info displays formula conflict reasons (@johnhawkinson)

release-noteにauthor name など