by shigemk2


NULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operator

NULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operator

サブクエリの中が空だとNULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operatorになるっぽい

presto> select null in (select 1 where false);

Query xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, FAILED, 5 nodes
Splits: 215 total, 198 done (92.09%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

Query xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx failed: NULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operator. See the query plan for details.

presto> select (null in (select 1 where false)) is null;

Query xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, FAILED, 5 nodes
Splits: 215 total, 165 done (76.74%)
0:01 [0 rows, 0B] [0 rows/s, 0B/s]

Query xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx failed: NULL values are not allowed on the probe side of SemiJoin operator. See the query plan for details.